The Book

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Chapter 1
Introduction to packaging

Too many people misunderstand the topic of packaging. Every one of us is using packaging on a daily basis. However, we have very limited knowledge about the packaging. Environment & Packaging will address this problem.

Sep 2016
Creating project topics
Issues related to packaging

Definition and segmentation of the problematic packaging topics. All of the topics have been defined by asking the general population, packaging industry and packaging users (manufacturers and packers).

Mar 2017
Breaking The Packaging
An inside into packaging

Creation of the initial structure for what will become Breaking The Packaging book. The book dissects the packaging topic so that everyone can get an inside into the packaging world of materials, functions and products.

Jun 2017
Expanding the reach
Reaching to everyone

Research of the target audience for environmental concerns. Defining the needs per age group, professions, and interests, has created a clear path for Environment & Packaging activities and which activities will be operated under the Breaking The Packaging brand.

Oct 2017
Forming partnerships
Nine distinct activities

Each of the activities needs partners with a unique set of skills and operational methods. Selected partners understand the need for a deep dig into the packaging world; the gap between the packaging use and general understanding needs to be eliminated.

May 2018
The Book
Breaking The Packaging

Mitja Brgant completed the writing part of the Breaking The Packaging book and started to prepare graphical aspects of the book as well as the complete Breaking The Packaging appearance in public.

Dec 2018
The Articles
Environment & Packaging

Preparation of the key article topics; All of the topics were defined by the general public on the basis of their questions about the packaging. Articles will explain to the public all of the angles that need to be considered when debating the packaging.

Feb 2019
The Games
Packaging Related Games

Start of the development of the board games which will explain the packaging and its effect on the environment in a fun and educational way. The complexity levels of certain board games is debated and tested with our partners.

Sep 2020
Documentary Series
Breaking The Packaging

Two-tier packaging documentary series will address different views of packaging and explain the importance of packaging to our way of life. Start of scriptwriting, filming locations and production concept.

Mar 2020
Theatre For Kids
25-minute puppetry series

Partnered with independent theatre focused on the education of the children. Award-winning author, director and producer started preparing scripts for series of puppet shows.

Jun 2020
The Application
Challenge The Industry

Start of the social mobile app testing. The application will connect the consumers with the packaging industry, manufacturers of the products and the merchants with the goal to improve the overall packaging use and management.

Oct 2020
The Community
Connecting Blockchain

Blockchain technology is becoming more and more prominent in all aspects of our daily lives. After three years of research, we have outlined the goals and parameters of the packaging related blockchain.

Feb 2021
Understanding Market Needs

With the information gathered from all walks of life, we have started to form a set of learning courses. Each course will be defined on the packaging topic at hand. The courses will be accessible to the general public as well as to professionals.

Apr 2021
The Networking

Based on past experiences with packaging engagement events, we outlined distinct educational, networking, and hands-on experience events. We will launch them as soon as C19 is under control, and we will all be able to meet safely.

Jun 2021
Breaking The Packaging
Completion Of The Book

Braking The Packaging book completed and off to postproduction and print processes. The book is illuminating a completely different aspect of packaging, one we all know deep down inside of us but never think of it or address it.

Aug 2021
Breaking The Packaging
Social Media

Breaking The Packaging team started to work on social media channels and the topics which will be brought to our audience across the globe. Interesting topics and engaging materials will bring you a unique inside into the packaging world.

Sep 2021
Breaking The Packaging
The Launch

Breaking The Packaging is going live. After five years of work and preparation, meetings, debates and research, we’re setting on a journey towards a more sustainable future. We pledge that we will do everything in our power to contribute to a better society.

Oct 2021
Breaking The Packaging
The Book Release

Breaking The Packaging book published. This will be the first book ever to address packaging in a simple, explanatory and fun way. The book is the ultimate source to discover a variety of different packaging aspects and approaches.

Nov 2021
Breaking The Packaging
The Premiere

Breaking The Packaging social media channels will start to present our social media short infomentary series. Our YouTube channel will start presenting our documentary series PMI: Breaking The Packaging. (PMI stands for Packaging Myths Investigations).

2022 - TBA
Challenging App
Beta launch

Stay tuned for details!

Towards Youth
Kids Theater Shows

Stay tuned for details!

Doors to Community
Doors to Community

Stay tuned for details!

Environment & Packaging
E-Learning Platform

Stay tuned for details!

Environment & Packaging
E-Learning Platform

Stay tuned for details!

The Conference

Stay tuned for details!